Best Breweries in Lithuania


1. Basker Brewing Co.

Vilnius, Lithuania

Basker Brewing Co. produce's high quality beer and is ranked #1 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Origin IPA", which is a New England IPA and "Daydream Witbier", which is a Wheat Beer. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Sours.

RATING: 4.28

2. Green Monster Brewery

Kaunas, Lithuania

Green Monster Brewery produce's good quality beer and is ranked #2 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Green Monster IPA", which is an American IPA and "Mango Milkshake APA", which is a Milkshake Pale Ale. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Pale Ales.


3. Bear and Boar

Visaginas, Lithuania

Kažkur, šiaurės-rytų Europoje... Ten, kur senieji miškai atsispindi vaizdingo ežero vandenyse... Jaukiame Europos miestelyje Visagine... Žmonės išvirė unikalų alų. Įkvėpti apylinkių grožio ir civilizuoto pasaulio galimybių žmonės ne šiaip išvirė alų. Jie sukūrė šiuolaikinę, brendinę, kraftinio alaus daryklą. Nuo šstaigos idėjos iki jos atidarymo mes ėjome daugiau metų. Mes supratome, kad lengva nebus, bet tuomet, prieš metus, mes net negalėjime įsivaizduoti, koks turiningas bus mūsų kelias link pirmo savojo alaus bokalo. Šiandien mes galime atsikvėpti ir pasakyti: „MES verdam Alų“. Teisingą alų. Kodėl alus? Todėl, kad alus – stilinga ir skanu. Mums alus yra tarsi tam tikras menas. Alus mūsų svečiams – tai bendravimas, poilsis ir net savęs ieškojimas. O dar mes mylime savo miestą. Mes norėjome sukurti produktą, apie kurį, keliaujant per Lietuvą arba per pasaulį, Visaginiečiai su pasididžiavimu sakys: „O mūsų mieste verda alų“. Mūsų sėkmės matas – toks alus, apie kurį norisi pasakoti. Pagrindinis principas — kokybė arba niekas. Jokių kompromisų. Mes buvome ir išliekame reikliais – technologijai, ingredientams, dizainui ir net alaus bokalo formai. O, pirmiausia, sau. Kuriant gerą alų, mes nesiekiame sutaupyti, nupiginti, supaprastinti arba pagreitinti. Geras alus – taip pat reikalavimas!

RATING: 3.76

4. Dundulis

Panevėžys, Lithuania

Dundulis produce's unproven beer and is ranked #4 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Humulupu IPA", which is a Session IPA and "Kurkas", which is a Farmhouse Ale. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Saisons.

RATING: 3.53


Vilnius, Lithuania

Tai mūsų idėjinis speakeasy*. Patekti į jį nebus lengva. Pub’as paslėptas po trimis durimis. Ir ne veltui. Mūsų alus neskirtas eiliniams rutinos mėgėjams. Čia nėra nuobodaus alaus. Kiekvienas alus – nauja emocija, kiekvienas apsilankymas – nauja patirtis. Viskas išragauta ir atrinkta dviejų beergeek’ų, kurie patars ir kartu papasakos alaus istoriją.

RATING: 3.51

6. Genys Brewing Co.

Kaunas, Lithuania

We are independent craft brewers. We make our beer from a combination of modern technology and knowledge from the past. We truly believe magic happens when combining these two! So, hop aboard this first-class ride with us into the world of good taste, powerful aroma, and extraordinary experience. We won’t try to get your attention by offering some cheap lotteries, where you can win car wipers if you buy a six-pack or some other junk that you don’t need. You get the prize instantly when opening each bottle of GENYS craft beer – taste, aroma, experience. We’re making beer with the best ingredients – a good mood and a smile. Our belief in the craft revolution is undeniable, so we are eager to see what is around the corner next. GENYS* – revolution of taste. *Well, GENYS stands for Woodpecker in Lithuanian if you ever wonder.

RATING: 3.48

7. Bubių Dvaro Bravoras

Bubiai, Lithuania

Bubių Dvaro Bravoras produce's unproven beer and is ranked #7 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Session Ipa", which is a Session IPA and "Rauchbock", which is a Smoked Beer. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Pale Ales.

RATING: 3.45

8. Laukiniai

Vilnius, Lithuania

Laukiniai produce's unproven beer and is ranked #8 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Ivanka", which is a Saison and "Violet Hoppy Saison", which is a Saison. Their primary focus is brewing Saisons and Pale Ales.

RATING: 3.41

9. Dzūkų Alaus Restoranas

Alytus, Lithuania

Esame maža, šiuolaikiška alaus darykla, o mūsų tikslas paprastas - virti itin kokybišką ir svarbiausia skanų alų. Kiekvieno mūsų gaminio pagrindas ir siela, tai – aukščiausios kokybės ingredientai ir meilė. Kadangi mūsų tikslas yra skonis ir kokybė kiekvieno alaus pagrindas yra kokybiški salyklai, apyniai, mielės ir vanduo. Kai kurie sezoniniai mūsų alūs gali turėti natūralių ingredientų kaip vaisių žievelės, ekologiško medus, vaisių ar uogų, nenaudojame ingredientų kurių patys nevalgytumėm. Mūsų alaus receptai yra unikalūs, o juos kuriame patys. Mėgstame ir vertiname tradicijas, todėl alaus negadiname pasterizacija ar filtracija, pateikiame jį jums savo pačioje geriausioje ir natūraliausioje formoje.


10. Ustukių Alus

Ustukių kaimas, Pasvalio rajones, Lithuania

Ustukių Alus produce's unproven beer and is ranked #10 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Senojo Tilto Šviesusis", which is an Old / Stock Ale and "Senojo Tilto Tamsusis", which is an Other. Their primary focus is brewing Strong Ales and Spiced Beers.

RATING: 3.02

11. Miežiškių bravoras

Trakiškio k., Panevėžio rajonas, Lithuania

Miežiškių bravoras produce's unproven beer and is ranked #11 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Bravoro Tamsus", which is a Dark Ale and "Bravoro Šviesus", which is a Kellerbier / Zwickelbier. Their primary focus is brewing Dark Beers and Pale Lagers.


12. Apynys Alaus Darykla

Kaunas, Lithuania

Apynys Alaus Darykla produce's unproven beer and is ranked #12 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Kaimiškas Apynio Alus", which is a Saison and "Salyklinė Kaimiška Gira", which is a Kvass. Their primary focus is brewing Saisons and Kvasss.

RATING: 2.48

13. Sakiškės Brewery / Sakiškių Alus

Vilnius, Lithuania

“Sakiškių alus” is a Vilnius based microbrewery that grew out of the idea of homebrewing. The intention was simple – hand made modern beer, brewed in a hand built brewery. Former homebrewer and now the owner of “Sakiškių alus” Linas Zakarevičius was the one who came up with this idea. The whole brewery fits in an 80 square meter double storey carcass house. It’s not much for a production brewery, but in this hand built facility Linas ideas become reality from grain to glass, using the equipment that he designed himself. Starting from scratch it took more than half a year to put everything together. Linas’s happy he’s got dedicated friends who helped him on the way. But the very special commitment was given be his dad. He was the main helper to raise those walls and put the roof on top of them. He gave up his annual holidays by helping his son to fulfil his dream.

RATING: 3.05

14. Širvėnos bravoras

Panevėžys, Lithuania

Širvėnos bravoras produce's unproven beer and is ranked #14 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Gutstoutas", which is an Oatmeal Stout and "Simkala APA", which is an American Pale Ale. Their primary focus is brewing Dark Beers and Pale Ales.

RATING: 3.04

15. :Belike brewing

Moletai, Lithuania

:Belike brewing produce's unproven beer and is ranked #15 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Smile", which is an American Pale Ale and "Nida", which is a Wheat Beer. Their primary focus is brewing Pale Ales and Wheat Beers.

RATING: 3.04

16. Kuro Aparatūra

Vilnius, Lithuania

A "black machine" in Japanese. A now defunct legendary engine factory in Vilnius to some. Or a modern craft brewery to us. That‘s Kuro Aparatūra. Our cheeky little black kettle loves blending tradition and innovation. No shortcuts, top quality ingredients, creative experiments and a dash of mystery - that's the way we brew it.


17. Vasaknų dvaro alus

Vasaknų k, Zarasų rajons, Lithuania

Since 18th century Vasaknai manor (then belonged to Pliateriai family) was famous as a cradle of Lithuanian traditions. It was not only the place where the traditions was held but also created. So we continue these traditions. We brew beer with our soul and spirit where the part of Lithuania goes in. Majority of our beers are inspired by traditions of Belgium. That’s our unique sign in Lithuanian craft beer market. We don’t do hazy ipas or super strong imperial stouts. Our flagmans are Belgian brown ale, Belgian dark, Belgian Single, Belgian dark strong with spices.

RATING: 2.94

18. Būsi Trečias

Vilnius, Lithuania

Būsi Trečias produce's unproven beer and is ranked #18 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Šviesus", which is a Pale Lager and "Juodas", which is a Dark Lager. Their primary focus is brewing Dark Lagers and Pale Lagers.

RATING: 2.93

19. Brick by Brick (Raudonų Plytų Alaus Dirbtuvės)

Klaipeda, Lithuania

„Raudonų plytų alaus dirbtuvės“ – vieta, kur nedidelėmis partijomis gimsta netikėtos ir įdomios alaus rūšys. Čia naudojama alaus virimo ir brandinimo įranga leidžia virti alų mažomis partijomis ir suteikia galimybę eksperimentuoti, žaisti su įvairiomis tradicinėmis ir kiek netikėtomis natūraliomis žaliavomis, ieškoti naujų, įdomių alaus rūšių, skonių ir aromatų. Dirbtuvės įkurtos aludarystės meistriškumu garsėjančioje senojoje „Švyturio“ alaus darykloje Klaipėdoje.

RATING: 2.92

20. Davra Alaus Darykla

Pakruojis, Lithuania

Davra Alaus Darykla produce's unproven beer and is ranked #20 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Varniukų Tamsus", which is a Dark Ale and "Chicago's", which is a Traditional Ale. Their primary focus is brewing Dark Beers and Amber Ales.

RATING: 2.92

21. Pilialaukis

Pilialaukis, Lithuania

Pilialaukis produce's unproven beer and is ranked #21 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Brizas", which is an American Pale Ale and "Spyglys", which is a Session IPA. Their primary focus is brewing Pale Ales and IPAs.

RATING: 2.89

22. Craft & Draft Brewpub & Whiskey

Vilnius, Lithuania

Craft & Draft Brewpub & Whiskey produce's unproven beer and is ranked #22 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "KIPšAs", which is an American IPA and "Medaus Mėnuo (Honeymoon)", which is a Pale Lager. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Pale Lagers.

RATING: 2.88

23. Klausučių Bravoras (UAB Armėniukas)

Klausuciai, Jurbarko rajonas, Lithuania

Klausučių Bravoras (UAB Armėniukas) produce's unproven beer and is ranked #23 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "Jurgenborg", which is a Pale Lager and "IPA", which is an American IPA. Their primary focus is brewing Dark Beers and Pale Lagers.

RATING: 2.88

24. A. Udrienes I.Į. Jovarų Alus

Jovarai, Pakruojo r., Lithuania

Jovaru Alus (sometimes called Jovaru Šnekutis) should be your first priority. This is a true Lithuanian farmhouse ale, brewed from Lithuanian malts, and a rather unusual recipe. While mashing, the brewer boils a hop tea on the side, then after mashing the hop tea is mixed in, the wort is cooled, and the yeast is pitched at 35 degrees C. You'll note the total absence of any boiling of the wort, so this is a raw ale. All modern beer is boiled, so according to modern brewing theory it shouldn't even be possible to make a beer like this.

RATING: 2.87

25. Juozo Alus

Žibininkai, Kretingos rajonas, Lithuania

Juozo Alus produce's unproven beer and is ranked #25 in Lithuania. They are most well known for "HBH Juozo Alus", which is a Pale Lager and "Šviesusis Nefiltruotas", which is a Pale Lager. Their primary focus is brewing Pale Lagers and Dark Beers.

RATING: 2.86