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Best BreweriesLille, France
1. Hôp[i]
Lille, France
Hôp[i] produce's high quality beer and is ranked #16 in France. They are most well known for "Big John And Little John", which is an Imperial IPA and "Roman Photo", which is an English Porter. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Sours.
2. Klaxx Brewing
Lille, France
Klaxx Brewing produce's high quality beer and is ranked #28 in France. They are most well known for "Triple Modern", which is a Belgian Tripel and "Rupture Attack", which is an Imperial IPA. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Belgian Ales.
3. Brouwerij Alvinne
Moen, Belgium
Alvinne is a 1200hl microbrewery in Flanders, Belgium. It has become an official brewery in 2004 and is located in the village of Moen, at the edge of the Mortagne touristic area and in the area where the historic breweries of the old Flemish Brown beerstyle are situated. Their own yeast strain is called ‘Morpheus’ and was the reason to start experimenting with mixed fermentation, resulting in sour ales. Alvinne’s main mission is now to create innovative sour beers through a new style of Flemish blond sours by using the mixed fermentation method. You could call it the missing link between Oud Bruin and Lambic. Because of this, Alvinne has gained international attention and respect. We already experimented with over 30 different kinds of fruits, herbs, plants, berries, flowers and vegetables. Next to the sour range, Alvinne has an interesting beer list that were aged on carefully selected used barrels, such as Cognac, Porto, Sherry, Calvados, Brandy, Red Wine and White Wine. Since 2018, we have started our own Membership “Alvinne’s Fellowship Of Exceptional Ales” to give our core fans the priority to get hands on our very exclusive and limited beers. For more information about our Fellowship and how to subscribe, please visit our website “ www.alvinnesfellowship.be “ Facebook Groups: "Alvinne's Fellowship Of Exceptional Ales" https://www.facebook.com/groups/183060938996005/ "The Alvinne Friends" https://www.facebook.com/groups/156556504379930/
4. Brasserie Cambier
Croix, France
Brasserie Cambier produce's decent quality beer and is ranked #32 in France. They are most well known for "CAMBIER Double Citra", which is an Imperial IPA and "Mongy IPA", which is an American IPA. Their primary focus is brewing IPAs and Belgian Ales.
5. Brasserie du Singe Savant
Lille, France
Le Singe savant est une micro-brasserie urbaine, de cœur de ville, située à Lille dans le quartier de Moulins. Nous brassons sur un système numérique de 800 litres construit par nos soins et bichonné pour nous permettre de réaliser toutes les recettes imaginées dans nos cerveaux de singes. Au-delà de l'aspect brassicole, nous mettons un point d'honneur à travailler au maximum avec des matières premières biologiques, privilégions les circuits courts et essayons de réduire nos déchets tant que possible. Le plus simple est de venir en discuter avec nous, le Bar du Singe Savant, situé au 94 Rue d'Arras à Lille, est ouvert le mardi/mercredi/jeudi de 16h à 23h, le vendredi de 16h à minuit, et le samedi de midi à minuit.
6. Omer Vander Ghinste
Bellegem, Belgium
When Omer Vander Ghinste started brewing in 1892 in the beautiful West-Flemish village of Bellegem, brand names did not yet exist. He promoted his beers by placing stained glasswindows with the words “Beers Omer Vander Ghinste” in the front windows of the pubs. As these windows were very expensive, it was no option to replace them at every change of generation. Therefore every firstborn son was baptised ‘Omer’. A smart move, with an unexpected effect. A tradition that is still kept alive today, 130 years and 5 generations later.
8. Célestin - La Micro-Brasserie du Vieux-Lille
Lille, France
Une passion qui défie le temps ! Remontons le cours de l’histoire : c’est en 1740, à Haubourdin que mon ancêtre Célestin Cordonnier crée sa brasserie. Huit générations de brasseurs se succèdent fidèlement, chacun apportant sa touche de savoir-faire et d’excellence. Après 60 ans d'interruption je reprends le flambeau familial avec fierté, et rends hommage à mon aïeul et son intuition : la micro-brasserie CÉLESTIN voit le jour en 2014 dans le Vieux-Lille. Je suis la 9ème génération de brasseurs. Je me sens très honoré de partager avec vous les saveurs issues de trois siècles de savoir-faire. Nos bières possèdent des racines et donnent des ailes ! Amaury d’Herbigny
10. Brasserie des Barbes Blanches
Avelin, France
Une micro Brasserie au Hameau de la Becque ! Jérôme Dourlen et Etienne Hazelaere montent leur micro brasserie au sein du Hameau de la Becque afin de proposer une saison et une IPA ainsi que des bières éphémères.